Association of Lithuanian Employment Agencies (ALEA)

Association of Lithuanian Employment Agencies (ALEA) is the first and only institution in Lithuania uniting temporary employment practitioners. The Association (originally called the Association of Temporary Employment Agencies) was established in April 2007, initiated by 7 companies working in this field. The current name – Association of Lithuanian Employment Agencies – was changed from the old one in 2011.

Currently, the association brings together companies whose main areas of activity are personnel selection, search and “leasing” employees to employers in need of workers.

We are committed to increase public awareness of temporary employment as a form of a job, employment services and activities of recruitment agencies. We also help our members build reliable and responsible businesses. We provide our members with legal clarifications, guidance and consultations.

As an Association, together we actively contribute to creating a legal framework for employee leasing, a transparent labour market in this field and encourage market participants to use temporary employment services to reduce emigration and illegal employment in the country.

ALEA has been a member of the Lithuanian Employers Confederation LDKsince 2007. This membership and cooperation are very important for us in order to represent the interests of our members as efficiently as possible, to participate in the development of the legal framework and to make proposals. It makes our voice better heard and the opportunities to improve the business environment much greater.

We also develop international cooperation which enables us to share our best practices with our foreign partners and learn from theirs. ALEA has been a member of the World Employment Confederation WEC since 2010. The Association signed a cooperation agreement with the associations of Latvian  LPDAA and Estonian EPREL temporary employment agencies in 2011. The aim of this cooperation is to jointly promote temporary employment services and to participate in the development of the countries’ legal frameworks.


Become a member

Our goals are to improve the legal framework, develop cooperation with public authorities and develop the temporary employment market in Lithuania. If you would like to contribute, become a member of the Association:

• Membership is open to legally capable natural or legal persons over 18 years of age. A member of the Association can also be a member of other associations.
• New members of the Association are admitted by decision of the Board of the Association.
A person wishing to become a member of the Association must submit an application form and a questionnaire and meet the criteria of the ALEA..
• The application shall be considered by the Board of the Association no later than two months after the receipt.
• The Board of the Association shall inform the applicant of its decision within 5 days at the latest.
• Newly admitted members of the Association shall transfer the initiation fee in the amount determined by the decision of the General Meeting of Members to the Association’s settlement account no later than 5 days after joining the Association.

We invite all professionals and companies who want to work together to create a transparent, efficient and high-quality temporary employment market to join the Association!

Atmintinės apie laikinąjį darbą

2016 m. Asociacija kartu su Valstybine darbo inspekcija paruošė Atmintinę laikinajam darbuotojui. Joje paaiškinama:

• Kas yra įdarbinimas per laikinojo įdarbinimo įmones;
• Kokias funkcijas turi atlikti įmonė (darbo naudotojas), kurioje yra Jūsų darbo vieta;
• Kas yra draudžiama darbo naudotojui.

Atmintinėje aptariami svarbiausi laikinojo įdarbinimo ypatumai. Perskaitęs ją, žinosite savo teises, galimybes ir reikiamus atlikti veiksmus.

Atmintinė darbdaviams

Lygių galimybių kontrolieriaus tarnyba parengė atmintinę darbdaviams, rengiantiems darbo skelbimus arba organizuojantiems jų rengimą. Joje rasite šią aktualią informaciją:

• Kokios informacijos darbo skelbimuose draudžiama reikalauti iš darbo ieškančių asmenų;
• Kaip formuluoti profesijų ir pareigų pavadinimus.

Nuo 2019 m. liepos 27d. įsigaliojo Darbo kodekso nuostata, kuri numato darbdavio pareigą darbo skelbime nurodyti informaciją apie siūlomo bazinio (tarifinio) darbo užmokesčio (valandinio atlygio arba mėnesinės algos, arba pareiginės algos pastoviosios dalies) dydį ir (arba) dydžio intervalą, išskyrus įstatymuose numatytus atvejus.


ALEA President

Aurelija Gabrielė Maldutytė

+370 618 59 797